Flexible slings of steel wire

  • Model: 2843
  • Supplier: Carabelli Srl  
  • Date of shipment: under request
  • Required quantity:
  • Price:


TYPE AA - with 2 loop ends 

TYPE AR - with loop at open end and thimble at the other

TYPE RR - with thimble at each end 

Rope Safety working load, kg Loop dimensions Thimble dimensions Minimum length (L)
    Basket A B C D Type AA Type AR Type RR
  2843-1 2843-2 2843-3 2843-4 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
8 680 1360 1180 970 64 128 24 38 424 350 276
10 1070 2140 1850 1510 80 160 28 45 532 438 342
12 1540 3080 2660 2180 96 192 32 51 644 548 410
14 2080 4160 3610 250 112 224 36 58 744 606 468
16 2730 5460 4730 3870 128 256 40 64 848 688 528
18 3450 6900 5980 4880 144 288 45 72 950 774 596
20 4280 8560 7330 6060 160 320 50 80 1000 830 660
22 5170 10340 8950 7310 176 352 56 90 1168 950 732
24 6150 12300 10650 8700 192 384 62 99 1292 1056 818
26 7200 14400 12500 10210 208 416 70 112 1380 1130 876
28 8380 16760 14520 11860 224 448 75 120 1484 1212 940
30 9620 19240 16660 13600 240 480 80 128 1600 1300 1000
32 10950 21900 18970 15490 256 512 95 152 1700 1390 1077

Average breaking strength is five time safe working load. 

Flexible slings of steel wire rope with metallic core

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