CARABELLI S.R.L. was founded by Giuseppe Carabelli nearly a century ago, about 1920, and at the beginning it only operated in the area of leather military accoutrements.
In the '50s, his son Arnaldo undertook the management and increased the production range to the accident prevention area, more precisely to safety belts. In the early '60s, following up to the takeover of a small mechanical workshop, CARABELLI began to produce equipment and component and ancillary parts for the stringing of electrical lines. That period sanctioned the transition from artisanal to industrial company.
Thanks to the nationalization of electric companies and the consequent foundation of ENEL, National Agency for Electricity, CARABELLI began a very rapid growth and established itself in Italy and later in many foreign countries. At the end of the '70s, the management passed to Arnaldo’s sons, Paolo and Roberto, who continued, with the help of a good staff, to develop the Company’s expansion and diversification.
The fourth generation is growing up very quickly and will join the company within the next two years.
Today the Company CARABELLI is characterized by a considerable diversification of its activity fields, which can be divided into the following macro areas:
-Design and production of personal protective equipment (PPE) against falls from a height
-Design and production of equipment and devices for stringing, laying, and maintenance of electric and telephone lines
-Staff training for climbing poles and pylons
-Design and production of metallic and textile accessories for railway carriage furnishing and restyling (only by commissioned order)
The knowledge of the field of stringing electrical lines, the experience gained in three generations and a good design staff allow CARABELLI to offer itself to the market both as a manufacturer of many equipment, both as a general contractor for the supply of tenders made of critical, complex and uneven materials, but pertaining to the same field.