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Company locations


Headquarter in Milano

Via del Lavoro, 2 (Zona industriale di Vigano)
20083 GAGGIANO - MILANO (Italy)

Tel: +39 (02) 908 5882-3-4

e-mail: info@carabelli-italy.it


Russian Federation

Representative office CIS countries and Afganistan

107996, Moscow, Gilyarovskogo str., 57, build. 1, office 245

Tel. / fax: +7 (495) 774-05-61
e-mail: info@carabelli-cis.com 

Sales department: sales@carabelli-cis.com


Republic of Uzbekistan

Representative office in Tashkent

Tashkent, Yakkasarayskiy district, massiv Bashlyk, Kushbegi str., 18, office 209

Tel: + 998 (71) 250-29-88

Fax: +998 (71) 140-19-89 
e-mail: tashkent@carabelli-cis.com