Home \ News \ Carabelli Srl presented technology of safe going to poles of HV lines 110-750 kV at training area of Federal Grid of Unified Energy System of Russia

Carabelli Srl presented technology of safe going to poles of HV lines 110-750 kV at training area of Federal Grid of Unified Energy System of Russia

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Carabelli Srl presented technology of safe going to poles of HV lines 110-750 kV at training area of Federal Grid of Unified Energy System of Russia 10.05.2015 21:53

Carabelli Srl Representative office at CIS countries presented Personal Protective Equipment and equipment for safe going to poles of HV-lines 110-750 kV at Beliy Rast training area of Federal Grid of Unified Energy System of Russia.  

At presentation have been shown ultra light full body harnesses, lanyards with absorbers alows to connect at poles. anchorage lines, anchorage lines for safe going to poles. 

The technology conforms to standards ISO, command of Ministry of Labor and Social Safety Net of Russian Federation dd. 28.03.2014 No 155н, homologsted by ENEL SpA. 

Team of Carabelli Srl thanks of Organizators for invitation to Game. 

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